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Panhandle Pride, Inc. is an organization driven by its members, dedicated to advocating for and supporting the LGBTQIA+ community in the Texas Panhandle. We offer financial assistance to organizations that align with our impact areas through funding targeted programs benefiting individuals. Our Community Councils unite like-minded entities to foster collaboration. Beyond organizational support, we aid individuals in crisis and offer scholarships to LGBTQIAP+ individuals.
Panhandle Pride, Inc. is dedicated to three core impact areas: 1) diversity, equity, and inclusion; 2) awareness and understanding; and 3) health, safety, and wellbeing. Our aim is to fortify organizations by sharing their mission, organizing purposefully, advocating for our community, offering financial support, and maintaining transparent communications.
Panhandle Pride, Inc. is a 509(a)(2) non-profit public charity that is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. We receive funding from membership dues, generous donors, and through fundraising events throughout the year. You can support our mission by giving today! Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Panhandle Pride, Inc. receives the majority of our funding from events throughout the year. Help us spread the word and make these events successful. The more money we raise, the more we can support our community!
It was a pleasure to serve as this organization's president in 2023 and 2024. During that time, we formalized new by-laws protecting the organization, saw successful Pride Festivals, and most importantly, secured our position as the foremost organization working to create a diverse and inclusive community in the Texas Panhandle by obtaining licensure from the Federal Communications Commission to operate a LP FM radio station in Amarillo. This project will begin in earnest in 2025, as we have only three years to establish and begin broadcasting from our new radio station. We will need to come together and end the divisive and petty squabbles in our own community. We need for you to get involved and participate. Membership costs less than a couple of drinks at a bar and has a longer impact. A few people can't be expected to do it all, so do your part -- join -- get involved -- do good.
Happy 2025 and may our community continue to grow and strengthen.